sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Unit 9. The role of the teacher

Teacher Teaching Lesson To Elementary School Pupils

Be a facilitator of learning means work hard in every single aspect of teaching. Weimer (2013). In this chapter the authors focus on the role of teacher as a facilitator in teaching process, for the majority of people teacher is view as the person who is in charge of complete teaching process while the students do no participate actively into the classroom it means that students just observe to teacher without any opinion. Make students involve in hard work in teaching process increase their interest in learn Weimer (2012). As a future teacher is relevant know different aspects about learning, in this case teacher is not the unique person who works during the teaching and learning process, students must be part of an active class developing their own skills and knowledge, for that reason in future classes I will apply activities such as write the first day of class their expectations in class and things that they will do to accomplish them. 

In the video you can check more about teachers role and students learning center.


10 Expectations
10 Expectations. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved 23 April 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K96c-TGnSf4&list=PL0134792CEB4EF46D

Maryellen Weimer, P.Maryellen Weimer, P. (2012). Five Characteristics of Learner-Centered TeachingFaculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning. Retrieved 23 April 2017, from https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/effective-teaching-strategies/five-characteristics-of-learner-centered-teaching/

Learner-Centered TeachingLearner-Centered Teaching. (2017). Google Books. Retrieved 23 April 2017, from https://books.google.com.ec/books?id=pGBwO7uMmj4C&printsec=frontcov

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